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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy draws on both traditional healing practices and scientific research to promote health and wellbeing. Naturopathic care is a system of preventative healthcare which aims to address the underlying cause of symptoms rather than providing symptomatic relief,  in order to help patients achieve long term benefits.  


Naturopaths use  the most gentle and non-invasive treatment options possible to help bring the body back into balance- this may include the use of nutrition, herbal medicine, nutraceuticals and lifestyle changes. Naturopaths recognise that no two individuals are alike, providing personalised care to patients based on their unique needs and goals.

What is Herbal Medicine?


Herbal medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine. Herbal tinctures are a type of herbal medicine using plants from all over the world which are manufactured to extract the herbal components of a particular plant.


The use of Herbal tinctures allow naturopaths to provide patients with personalised care, Naturopaths have at their disposal over 100 plant tinctures each with unique properties and ability to restore health. When Karina prescribes her patients a herbal tincture the bottle usually contains 4-5 unique plants, all individually picked to address not only your symptoms but address the underlying cause of your health concern; allowing the body to restore and find balance. 

What kind of testing do you offer? 

Karina offers a full range of functional tests such as hair tissue mineral analysis, SIBO breath test, stool microbiome test, DUTCH and more. During your initial consultation Karina will discuss with you any functional pathology testing that you may benefit from.  

Can I claim my any of the costs on my private health insurance? 

Currently, the recent decision to remove naturopathy from list of eligible modalities to receive private health rebates is undergoing review by the Australian government. Hopefully, naturopathy will be reinstated in near future. Until then, naturopathy appointments are not eligible to receive any rebates from your private health fund

I am on medication from my doctor, can you still help me? 

Yes, Karina can still work alongside your current medication, and does not recommend you come off any of your prescritpion medication. Karina can also work collabortaively with your doctor or specialist to ensure they are aware and on board with the support she is offering you. 

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